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Monday, 3 June 2013

Summer's Here and I'm off to Fleams

Hurrah! Hurrah! Summer's here and I'm off to Fleams.  I've got two bags of Wotsits, a bottle of water, lots of loo roll and a stout pair of walking boots.
Note - although I use loo roll in the field, I don't leave it there.  I wrap it in a plastic bag and bring it home in the front pocket of my rucksack.  I have read the leaflet "How to go when you're out" and always abide by it.
Now I'm sitting beside the gate that leads to Lamaload via Shining Tor.  I can see Sollers and ladies' smocks; swallows and butterflies.  It seems to me Button Sarah has passed by, very recently.  She loves gateposts and stiles.  Is that the tinkle of buttons I hear?  Somehow it's there in the hot air.
Talking of hot air, perhaps you have never heard of the things to which I refer.  Read on, and all will become clear.  Well, when I say clear, I mean clearer. I'm not that clear why there are two burst balloons and a ticket stub (credit card payment) from The Opera House in the pocket of my denim jacket.  I'm remembering Kathryn Tickell on tour, but why the remains of a red balloon and a blue balloon?
This is not clear, but I know I'm at home on my land because I can hear the curlews calling and the wind in the trees like water.

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