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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Badgers, Books and The Curse of Amen-Ra

Some more notes about Norwich: taxidermy seems very popular.  Miss Aimson had spotted a bookshop with a stuffed badger in the window, and a teashop with a stuffed fox, and we saw a stuffed razorbill in one antique shop.  There seemed quite a taxidermy-vibe in the town as a whole. 

The bookshop with the badger is called The Book Hive.  It is a fantastic old building.  There are tiny stairs to the top floor, where a couple of papier mache hives hang:

Hold You Hard!

A Book Hive
What a perfect bookshop!  We also wandered round The Book Man, which Miss Aimson directed us to, it already being a favourite of hers.  I was thrilled to find these pulp fiction horror and startling mystery magazines:


Startling Mystery!

More Horror!

Even More Horror!
I am totally in love with them and I haven't even read them yet!  Another perfect bookshop and we still have Tombland Books to try another time.  Hold you hard!  More books than you can shake a stick at!

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