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Saturday, 8 February 2014

My Dear Ladyfriend

You remember the vintage postcard Miss Aimson gave me for Christmas?:

Christmas Kittens

Well, the other day I was using it as a bookmark (yes, I'm backsliding, I'm back on the real stuff instead of the Kobo) and I noticed the back for the first time:

The Back

I have transcribed it, as follows:

My Dear Ladyfriend
I am writing to let you know that I am quite well, and hope you are the same.  We are all very sorry to have lost our dear king.  If you can will you come and see me.  So now I have said all and remain yours
respectfully Maggie.

and it is addressed to:

Miss Harston
Abbey Wood
London Road

The phrase "have lost our dear king" dates the card to sometime shortly after 6 May 1910, when Edward VII died.  The rest is a little bit strange.  It reads like a young person pretending to be an adult writing to a friend.  But I don't think one lady writing to another lady actually addresses the correspondence "My Dear Ladyfriend".  But what do I know?  I rarely write to ladies.

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