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Friday, 30 May 2014

Bracken, Bluebells and No Nastiness

I was just leafing through Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes the other day,

Like you do
when I saw this picture:

A Bunny Pub
and was pleased to notice on the right, that Beatrix Potter had put bluebells and newly-unfurling bracken together, just as I did it my sketchbook.  I felt sort of warm, and fully justified, like I'm doing my field journal right.

I got another warm feeling when I read this brilliant biography of Beatrix Potter recently:

A Very Good Book

as it explained the whole it-was-a-patriarchal-conspiracy-to-diss-Potter's-mycological-fieldwork-discoveries in a way that made it all seem less nasty than you thought.

Less nasty than you thought, always a good thing to discover.

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