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Monday, 28 July 2014

Cowboys and Mouse-ears

Me and Miss Aimson went to this in the Fringe:

It was the second time we have been to a Dr Sketchy event, the first one being during Miss Aimson's Easter hols.  I was pleased to see there was some improvement in my sketching.  This was especially good as I haven't done that much practice really.  What do you think? 

Of course, you can't really see the improvement because I'm not showing you my first sketches, because they were terrible.

I have done a tiny amount of sketching in my nature journal, but that tiny amount must be enough to have improved my sketching.  Here's a page from my journal you haven't seen:

As you can see from the date, it's from more than a month ago.  Still, these tiny attempts at sketching are yielding advances.  Imagine what results I would see if I sketched more often!  Something for me to ponder ...

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