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Friday, 27 March 2015

The Books Have Arrived!

OMGA! The books have finally arrived.  Yesterday, in the midst of an unwelcome return of snow, I finally put the first five The Lost Book of Fleams pocket books on Etsy.

The pocket books are an A6 book with around 22 - 25 pages of storytelling.  The first one

is a stand-alone short story.  It is not set in Fleams, but in the modern day area of the Peak District near to the original site of Fleams.  Like all the pocket books, it comes with its own greetings card by way of illustration.  The books are illustrated on the cover and the card with the woodcut-style lino-prints I have been working on for the last couple of years.

Here is an example of a pocket book and the contents of the pack.

The next pocket books available are an adventure that Kate W Aimson has before she reaches Fleams: The Haunted Castle.  It is also set in the Peak District, but in Kate's time of 1912.

The card with this book is in the woodcut style, and an illustration of Lady Amelia, one of the characters in the story:

We continue the adventure in

Part 2, with its skull card.

There are plenty of skulls in the story.  Skulls and sewing - that's what we like!

The story ends with Part 3:

Which is illustrated with historical shirt.  Why - because I like gussets.  The left-hand sleeve is raised so you too can admire the gusset.

But Kate, you are saying, is there an easy way to read the whole adventure in one go?  Yes, there is, you can buy the three parts together in one pack, thus solving the problem of having to wait to find out what happens next.

The trilogy pack comes with one greeting card, the lady Amelia.

The first background you can see are The Lost Book of Fleams stall which will be appearing somewhere near you sometime soon.  The second lot of backgrounds are pages from Fenny Bentley's Pattern Book, brought here from Fleams by Kate W Aimson in one of her adventures to be released later this year.

I have many fleamsy adventures to bring to you, and I will be releasing new Fleams pocket books each month.  TTFN

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