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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Cobwebs, Hailstones and Cherry Blossom

This photo proved popular on facebook this week, perhaps as it kinda summed up the weather:

We have had glorious sun, blue skies and snow and hail in Buxton.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Is there anybody there?

The postie has just brought a delivery of new reading material and the sun is shining ...

but I have work to do!

Luckily my work is really fun.  Over the weekend I planned the "Kate W Aimson, Needlework Scholar, Psychic Curator and All-round Explorer Extraordinaire" monthly episodes for the remainder of the year, ending up with a Scottish ghost story for the Christmas/Hogmanay issue.  Can't wait.  The only stressful bit is working out how to get them sold!

So back to work finishing details form for the Arts in the Village Festival, making poster for The Lost Book of Fleams at Scrivener's Books for the Buxton Art Trail, packaging pocket books for Buxton Town Fair, then I can finish "Mrs Aimson and the Haunted Caravan Part 2"

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

200 and The Bonny Bull's Blood

I forgot to say yesterday - 200 posts! 

Anyway, about today, I met Anna for an iced coffee in the sunshine.  Master Aimson is worried about the middle-class-ness creeping into my life, I suppose I can see what he means, first I mention yoga class and now an iced coffee in the sunshine, but that's my life, can I help it?  You need a break from the folk horror sometimes.  Well actually, I see no need for a break from folk horror, but I have to interact with the world outside of it occasionally.  Or so Aimo tells me.

So where was I?  That's right, I was meeting Anna to pick up some A Fit of Peak magazines, featuring my tale of "The Bonny Bull's Blood".  I'm very pleased with it actually, and Anna has added an amazing photo to it, featuring the real music of The Bonny Bull's Blood.  Hang on a minute, The Bonny Bull's Blood isn't real, so where did the real music come from?  I'm confused.  If you would like to be confused too, buy a copy of A Fit of Peak - it's on a post free offer at the moment:

You will also note Miss Aimson has a poem in this issue, so you'd be a fool not to snap one up.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Town Fairs, Haunted Caravans and Hedgehogs

The Lost Book of Fleams will be somewhere in Buxton for the Town Fair, selling its wares.  Come buy!

The latest edition of The Lost Book of Fleams serial is hot from the press.  Yet again I say, "Come Buy!"

Talking of hot, the weather has been hot enough to entice the hedgehog out of hibernation and out from under the shed.  How do I know?  Aimo stepped on hedgehog poo when he went out of the door this morning.  Now we have matching hedgehog poo, front and back doors.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Granny Wildgoose and Her Ilk

On Saturday I snagged a bargain at Ashbourne Oxfam Book - Once Upon a Time by Marina Warner.  It looked new and never even read. 

I read it on Sunday and felt inspired to write, which I haven't for a while.

But then I'm trying to write in work hours and not at the weekend.  So I decided to leave it until today to see if I was still inspired.  A gamble, you might think.

Well, I piddled about, doing this and doing that for most of the sunny morning.  Then I made some notes from Once Upon a Time, starting getting inspired again.  Ending my reading at this point:

Possibly the genesis of folk horror, I thought.  Stopped to tell facebook (nobody cared).  Then I looked outside at the sunny garden and went out ...

Then I did some nature journaling:

Then had lunch, then sat down at the computer, and .. wrote!  I was still inspired.  The words kept rolling under my fingers until I saw, with surprise, it was time for yoga.  Just time to run down town for my class.

Tomorrow, I am hoping that I will go back and carry on where I was, with Mrs Aimson investigating the Button Gypsies.