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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

200 and The Bonny Bull's Blood

I forgot to say yesterday - 200 posts! 

Anyway, about today, I met Anna for an iced coffee in the sunshine.  Master Aimson is worried about the middle-class-ness creeping into my life, I suppose I can see what he means, first I mention yoga class and now an iced coffee in the sunshine, but that's my life, can I help it?  You need a break from the folk horror sometimes.  Well actually, I see no need for a break from folk horror, but I have to interact with the world outside of it occasionally.  Or so Aimo tells me.

So where was I?  That's right, I was meeting Anna to pick up some A Fit of Peak magazines, featuring my tale of "The Bonny Bull's Blood".  I'm very pleased with it actually, and Anna has added an amazing photo to it, featuring the real music of The Bonny Bull's Blood.  Hang on a minute, The Bonny Bull's Blood isn't real, so where did the real music come from?  I'm confused.  If you would like to be confused too, buy a copy of A Fit of Peak - it's on a post free offer at the moment:

You will also note Miss Aimson has a poem in this issue, so you'd be a fool not to snap one up.

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