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Saturday, 12 September 2015

Minorities Orchestra and What Equality Looks Like

On the news yesterday I saw that the Chineke! orchestra performs tomorrow to some large public audience.  The news item told me how wonderful it was for equality.


How wonderful for equality that other cultures are "allowed" to be equal if they act the same as the ruling elite?

Real equality would look like the arts and culture of the minorities being understood and valued.
Real equality would look like the ruling elite acknowledging that other cultures have traditions, skills and arts of their own.
Real equality would look a lot more diverse than one minority culture - Western Classical Music.

Why should this minority interest be foisted on others?
Why should it be assumed that someone who is not interested in Western Classical Music has no class?
Why should it be assumed that training in the classical arts of another culture cannot reach the very highest standard of achievement?

Julian Lloyd-Webber said of minorities not being in orchestras "people need role models".  Why do they need the very narrow role model of a Western Classical Musician?  Why does this role model have any value above a role model from another culture?

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