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Monday, 8 July 2013

A Rare Orchid

Well I never!  This morning was I about to mow my lawn, and not being a technology person, was failing to start my lawnmower.  I asked my neighbour for help (press the button and depress the lever at the same time).  He then told me to scan the lawn before mowing, as he had found a rare orchid growing in his grass.  I rushed to view said orchid - a bee orchid - ophrys apifera - grows on limestone but still relatively rare in the Ladmanlow region.  I rushed back to check my lawn - no sign of one yet, but then my garden is more common.
Actually this morning my garden was quite x-rated.  It was full of damselflies mating, I scarcely knew where to look.  So much for damsels, more like jezebels.  Smock and ore!
Perhaps I should explain that last reference.
The discoverer of Fleams, Kate Aimson, whom I shall in future refer to as Kate W. Aimson to avoid confusion with myself, see photo,
Kate W. Aimson
ran a magazine with her husband Aethelstan.  I have a few copies in the trunk of her belongings which started all this.  The magazine features articles about their interests, needlework and mining and geology, and is called "Smock and Ore".  Often now my friends and I, when looking for suitable strong language, exclaim "Smock and Ore" or "Smocking Oresome".
I have just ordered some postcards from a well-known printing website, so I will be selling artwork from Fleams.
Anyway, back to the garden to savour the sun while we have it.

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