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Monday, 29 July 2013

Crozet Joe Crosses the Line

When my dad was doing geological research, I know he went to the Marion and Prince Edward Islands, but I don't think he went to the Crozet Islands.  When I saw this book at the Treacle Market, I bought it to see what it had to say about the area.

It did start with a description of a Crossing the Line ceremony, which I thought you might to read, as I have shown you my Crossing the Equator (Line) certificates, in the post There and Back Again.

Crozet Joe, page 13
"And when we cross the Line there are great doings on board."
Any further explanation Joe might have given was cut short by the appearance on the main deck of a strange figure.
"What ship is this?" he inquired, addressing the captain, who stood on the poop.
"The Earwig."
"I am Neptune's postman, and his Majesty, who is monarch of all these seas, has sent me here with messages."
With great solemnity and an air of the utmost importance, the postman took a number of letters from his wallet, first giving one to the captain and then one each to the first and second mates, and to several passengers, not even omitting little Elsie.  The captain's was a large sheet which he read by the binnacle light.  As soon as he had perused the message, he announced that on the morrow, Neptune, in whose territory they now were, intended to visit the ship to hold a solemn court and to initiate all novices into the mysteries of his realm.
Crozet Joe, page 16
Shortly after lunch word was sent aft to the effect that Neptune had arrived on board, and, on the reception of this intimation, the captain, the two mates, and the passengers all repaired to the poop.
The ceremony began by one of the policemen handing a scroll to the captain, who read aloud the address it contained.  The address set forth in bombastic style Neptune's pleasure in coming aboard, and the purpose of his visit, which was to initiate as subjects of his kingdom those persons who had not before crossed the centre of his dominions.  All gentlemen, it was said, must submit to being shaved, or pay a fine; ladies must kiss his majesty or pay; while children need only be presented to Amphitrite.
Tomorrow I will read to you some of the "wilder fun", as viewed from the poop.

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