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Monday, 23 September 2013

I have no Idea ...

Well now, that's Miss Aimson safely delivered to The University of East Anglia.  It's time for me to STEP AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE and get on with things.
It was a four-hour drive there and back again, so there was lots of time to think.  Also it involved going through the Fens, my childhood haunts, so there was a lot to think about.
Leaving Miss Aimson there, so far from home and her boyfriend, but doing what she really wants to do (very brave) I have decided that knowing what you are doing is not a very good qualification for being a parent.  I have never had a clue what I was doing, and always thought it was a problem.  But as Miss Aimson seems to be setting off into her future in a goodly manner, obviously knowing what are doing as a parent doesn't count for anything. 
I have a sign in the kitchen at Aimo's House which reads "I smile because I have absolutely no idea what's going on", and in a way that's living by the Anglo-Saxon Theory of Courage, which is an important part of JRR Tolkien's work, or the hymns of The Diggers and The Ranters.  In life in general we can have no idea what it's all about, so we might as well have a glass of wine and some more chocolate.  Oh no, hang on, that's where I started.  Nice to know I was doing the right thing after all.

Tolkien with no Alan Lee

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