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Sunday, 8 September 2013

Zombies and Gravestones

At Wirksworth Festival yesterday!  My favourite thing!  Art!  My favourite thing!  Meeting old friends by chance at arty stuff!  My favourite thing!  Seeing my friends' artwork!  My favourite thing!  The whole town full of people looking at art!  My favourite thing!  Antique shops that are junk shops really!  My favourite thing!

Anyway after that, last night we watched an old horror film.  My favourite thing!  No, calm down now, Kate.  It was a film with real old-timey zombies, made by voodoo in Haiti. 

Old-timey zombies
Maybe you would be offended if you were a practitioner of Voodoo, or Vodou, or Vodun, but to me it was a good film.  It is more related to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, than a modern zombie film:

Somnambulists zombies?
In Dr. Caligari, the doctor has a somnambulist, whom he keeps asleep, and controls, forcing him to carry out crimes.  In The Serpent and The Rainbow, they are old-time zombies, kept under the control of sorcerers, who sent them into their enemies' dreams, controlling them, and forcing them to commit crimes... see the similarity?

Here are some fabulous graves from St. Mary's Church, Wirksworth:

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