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Monday, 2 December 2013

Unquiet, Flint, Art

Hi everybody you may well have been wondering were I have been - just haven't been very inspired since I was poorly with a cold - but I'm back now.  News - I have finished The Lord of The Rings trilogy.  Maybe that's what's been wrong with me - I've been suffering from Middle Earth withdrawal.  It's a definite possibility.

I've finished LOTR, read a trashy novel and am now started on Unquiet Country.  Look at the photo on the front cover:

How cool is it?  I just bought it for the picture, then when I started reading it, it turns out to be about Norfolk, so I can carry on finding out about the history of Norwich and the surrounding areas.  Here are some more photos from Norwich:

A Flint Wall

More Flint

Square Flints

More Square Flints
Hope you like flint. 

Also talked about Norwich and it's qualities in comparison to Thetford at the school art exhibition preview on Friday:

Catch it while you can!
Where we saw Miss Aimson's "A" level artwork, amongst other things.

Just off to the bank to re-present a bounced cheque from a well-known gallery, which had sold one of my pictures.  Do you want to know which gallery?  I might tell you if the cheque bounces again, although they have assured me it was a temporary cash flow problem which is now sorted.  We'll see.

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