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Saturday, 3 August 2013

Blythe, Bryon, and a Bear

Aimo has loaded up his photos of Newstead Abbey now, so I can share them with you.

Here is Blythe dressing up in Bryon's dressing room.  Real top hats and still no steampunks or goths (except Miss Blythe)

Here is Miss Blythe as a ghost in one of (yes, that is one of) the yew walks:

Here is another of the yew walks, where I wondered where are all the goths?

Lastly here is a gothy picture, as I tell you some more about Byron:

He arrived at Newstead Abbey, from university with his gilded bed (which seems very small, considering the amount of shenanigans that went on in it), and a tame bear.  He lived in the ruined abbey, as he could not afford to rebuild the place, apart from his bedroom, dressing room, games room and dining room with said bear and two large dogs.
Two of his great friends were Mr Hobhouse and Col. Wildman.  Eventually Col. Wildman bought the Abbey, as Byron could not afford to keep it.
A bear, a rabid dog, Mr Hobhouse, Col. Wildman, a ruined abbey, oh, and a chalice made from a human skull; where are the goths?

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