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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Toadstool Boobies

A friend asked me what the Aimsons like to do on holiday.  Well, Aimo very kindly drives us about and we look at stuff.  When we see something we want to look at more closely we stop.  Last Thursday it was a glorious sunny day, and we were driving up to see the mountains.  Passing a very interesting-looking woods we stopped to have a poke about.
Also I wanted to spend a penny, and it is free in the woods.  I selected a spot suitably hidden from the road, in case a car would go by, and was about to wee, when I noticed a swift scuttling in the grass.  It was a lizard.  It had been minding it's own business, sitting in the sun, when it was alarmed by the sudden appearance of a large white moon descending towards it.  Naturally it ran for its life.
When I returned to the car, I told Aimo there were lizards about, and he set off in search of them.  He photographed one by a wall:

A Common Lizard

Then he recorded the map reference to give to the national lizard survey.  Hopefully he won't mention to them that I nearly weed on a lizard, not really the done thing, whether they are common lizards or not.
While Aimo was off lizard-hunting, I was emulating Nica Bentley, the famed gossip-wife of Fleams, and having a good nose around to see what I could see.  I saw some damselflies catching and eating flies.  And then I spotted these:

Some Toadstool Boobies
You've heard of goblin balls, well these are toadstool boobies!
So that's a fairly typical day in an Aimson family holiday: weeing (nearly) on lizards and spotting toadstool boobies.
p.s. when we got home, I had a quick look around the garden at Aimo's House and we had some new hedgehog poo on the lawn.

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