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Monday, 5 August 2013

Parkinson and the Gaol

At Newstead Abbey, we did like the peacock, which I thought was called Parkinson.  Here is a photo of him:

We did feel a bit sorry for him, as he seemed to spend a lot of time running away from screaming kids.  Maybe the stress is why his tail feathers had fallen out.

Back in Fleams, the locals are more likely to be poachers, chasing pheasants rather than peacocks.  Yesterday we visited Ruthin Old Gaol museum, and saw the fate in store for ordinary people who were caught breaking the law.  Picking oakum, the treadmill, the crank, the scotch cap, and transportation.  And that was in the modern, "reformed" gaol.  Things were pretty harsh for rogues and vagabonds. 

This cool lock is actually from Newstead Abbey, rather than Ruthin Gaol.

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