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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Ecclefechan Bridges

Well, we're back from our trip to the Northlands, and talking about our trip to Scotland, I am in danger of sounding like that stupid dog on the internet... Scotland ...
mountains!  my favourite thing!  sea lochs!  my favourite thing!  art!  my favourite thing!  books!  my favourite thing!  lochans completely covered in water lilies!  my favourite thing!  little islands in the middle of lochs!  my favourite thing!  seeing a man in the pub with two cats on leads!  my favourite thing!  sharing single track roads with courtesy (I'll stop for you; no, really, I'll stop for you; no, honestly, I've already stopped for you; no really, I don't mind)!  my favourite thing!  seeing a pig in a field by the side of the road, stopping, naming it Beatrix Pigger and feeding it plums!  my favourite thing!  sitting in the Parlour Bar at The Ceilidh Place!  my favourite thing!  seeing Alasdair Roberts play in Scotland, at The Ceilidh Place!  my favourite thing!  Eccelfechan Tarts!  actually not my favourite thing to eat, just my favourite name!  really scary bridges!  not my favourite thing!  really scary public conveniences with posters "Have you got Hepatitis B?  You might have Hep B if you have had a tattoo in prison"!  not my favourite thing!  In fact the last two made me cry.  On my wedding anniversary, and my birthday, respectively.

Here is the bridge that made me cry:

A Postcard

Here are the tarts from my favourite place name in the UK:

A Tart Box

p.s. my second favourite place name in the UK is Plenmeller.

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