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Thursday, 16 January 2014

Camel Poo

OMGA!*  Just watched an amazing film:

I don't watch torture, but I do like strong bloody violence.  And swearing.  This film is great, what has really worked in it's favour is that they didn't have much money for special effects and CGI, so they just went to the mountains in Wales and filmed men hitting each other.  Brilliant!  I wish The Lord of The Rings had been filmed like this, as close to real life as we can imagine the Dark Ages to be.

Apparently now it is not PC to say The Dark Ages, you have to say "Early Mediaeval", as Dark Ages implies that some civilisations aren't as good as other civilisations.  It's a fair point, but I still prefer "Dark Ages".  Me and Aimo used to be in a Dark Age re-enactment society (with Allan and Foz as previously mentioned).  No-one was PC in our Dark Age group, we just liked fighting in fields and drinking.  And probably swearing too.  Like that time I left somebody's axe at Clifford's Tower in York.  Sorry about that.  And the time I put my rucksack in a trunk at a banquet because it didn't look authentic, then didn't remember 'til we got home, and then we had to ride back to the University of Lancaster to find it.  Sorry about that Aimo.

Those were the days, heh?  Like the one when we went onto the battle-field after the camel race and no-one wanted to die, because they didn't want to die in camel poo.  Who does?

Actually, that reminds me of the famous camel suit I made master Aimson at Infant's School.  It was the star of many a Nativity play.  And the time Daniel said "No camel poo here" instead of "No room at the inn".  It was quite an adlib, and only added to the famous camel-suit's fame.  If Master Aimson is ever a famous actor, we will have to hope someone videoed the famous "camel poo" scene at the Nativity.

p.s. Hugh - I took your advice and now switch off wireless to conserve battery powere - thanks for the tip.

* For those of you who do not speak the language of the kids like what I do, this stands for OH, MY GIDDY AUNT!

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