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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Alan, Aimo and Foz

Well I bet you can't guess what I've been doing today?  You will be very surprised when I say: I have been using my Kobo, actually.  I have bought two books and have a preview copy of another.  I think.  As usual, I smile because I have no idea what is going on.  Or, alternatively, I blindly press a lot of buttons because I have no idea what is going on.

I definitively have two books, Joseph Jacobs' British Fairy Tales, and Alan Garner's Boneland; because I have read some of each of them on ...

My Kobo
which Aimo gave me for Christmas. 

I have also looked at The Lost Book of Fleams on my kobo, which is also a tablet (you see I is the kids and know all this stuff), but I don't yet know how to write my blog on the Kobo.  When I do I will be able to update you wherever I am.  I don't know if the Wi-Fi reaches Fleams, but we shall see.  It would be good to write from another dimension if I can. 

I expect my Tech Support Team (see followers) will be hearing a lot more from me in the next few months as I update my brain's software.  Thanks Foz!


  1. Gorsh, mentioned in a Blog - I'm famous Ma!
    Whenever you're ready. Welcome to portable libraries!
