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Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Fairies and Wendioges

Today I have been reading about fairies , ghosts and other supernatural creatures.  For Christmas I received:

A Christmas Present

William Henderson's Notes on the Folk-lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders.  Quite often this is one of the books which is quoted in books about fairies and spirits.  Why not get it straight from the horse's mouth when reading about fairies?  I have been reading all about red-caps, brags, barguests, punkies and the like, from a time when they were real inhabitants of the Northern Counties.

Then I bought "British Goblins" on my Kobo.  For 74p!  That works for me.  I am currently reading it.  the title is a bit misleading, it is about any kind of fairy or spirit, from undines to Gwyn ap Nudd.  The "British" of the title mainly means Welsh, the logic being the Welsh are the original inhabitants of the British Isles.

There is no where near enough of this kind of down-to-earth fairy and spirit stuff around.  In The Lord of The Rings I really enjoyed the descriptions of Tom Bombadil and Goldberry.  They have the feel of original denizens of fairyland, homely and nature-based.  The Ents are a fantastic example of something really old, nature-based, and home-grown.  Even the elves aren't too twee, and are still homely, whilst being very beautiful.  Their recent depiction on film does nothing for me.  I am still searching for some down-to-earth fairies somewhere on film.

In the mean time, my favourite film spirit is the Wendigo.  This is my favourite film featuring the wendigo:

A Wendigo Film

If you haven't watched this film, why not?  It's brilliant.


  1. British Goblins is great isn't it, the real deal for fairies, not all that wishy washy modern stuff. You'll like - it's a story about the Wendigo and similarly dark. There's all sorts on there you can download directly to your kobo if you open the site using its internet connection - like Welsh Folk-lore by Elias Owen. Hope you may start the blog up again one day!

  2. Hi Rhiannon wherever you are, I have started the blog again.
