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Monday, 6 January 2014

A Twelfth Night Present

Last night being the last night of Christmas, we were looking at old photographs and reminiscing.  Well when I say reminiscing, what I mean is embarrassing the children. 

Here is a photo of Aimo with a knitting pirate:

A Knitting Pirate

Aimo looks totally stunned by the pirate.  Incidentally, we still have the chair that the pirate is sitting in.

Here is a little late Christmas present for you, a sort of Twelfth Night present:

What's inside?

and open it up:

A Portrait of Aimo
What a Christmas present, I think you'll agree.  The hairstyle is a bit strange because Aimo had just cut his own hair.  Maybe sending the photo round everyone was the punishment for chopping his hair.

I have decided to sell the majority of my collection of antique and vintage photographs.  I will set up an Etsy shop when I have worked out how to do it.  I'm lying, I'm going to ask Miss Aimson to set it up for me.

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