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Friday, 24 January 2014

Bluebells and Fish and Chips

With the arrival of snow last night, I have been further encouraged to think about holidays.  I checked the almanac in the kitchen at Aimo's House, and found that Easter is really late this year.  On the one hand, this means we have ages to wait, on the other it means, if we go South, there is a good chance of bluebells and the countryside being really pretty. 

Here is a photograph we took one Easter in Cornwall:

Hippy Photo
with the bluebells just starting to come out.

This was taken on the road between Boscastle and Tintagel.  Hey hey, could you get any more hippy witch than that for a location!  On the subject of Boscastle, my latest

A Great Magazine
Merry Meet magazine just told me that the Director of the Museum of Witchcraft (in Boscastle) has retired and gifted the Museum to The Museum of British Folklore.  I understand why he has done it, to protect the collection and keep it together, and that he thought long and hard about the best way forward, but it feels sad.  It feels like the middle class holiday resort Cornwall of the South of the county is creeping up to the North of the county.  It feels like

"Hey Hey Hippy Witch, you're not welcome any more"

So where are hippy witches to go on holiday?  Now the hippy witch community is on-line and at specialist conventions only, where are we to go if we want to be a hippy witch in the not-virtual world?  Where are we to go if we want fish and chips from the King Arthur's Chip Shop, or a magazine from Merlin's Newsagent?  I'm going to miss it if those places don't exist any more.

p.s Aimo said I wasn't doing enough swearing in my blog lately so: fucking bastards I want my hippy shit back!

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