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Monday, 28 October 2013

Broomsticks - Which Way?

I have just taken delivery of this brilliant book:

A Great Book

And it has given me an idea about the great "broomsticks - which way round?" debate.  Part of symbolism of how wrong and unnatural witches are is showing them doing things back to front.

So in some illustrations, the artist remembers to use this symbol, and shows witches flying to their sabbats the wrong way round:

A Witch flying Backwards on a Goat

Whereas other illustrators don't use this device:

A Witch flying Forwards on a Goat
For this artist clearly flying on a goat is weird enough in itself, and he doesn't feel the need to add extra weirdness, that is flying backwards on a goat.

Using this argument, I propose this is the answer to the illustrations showing witches flying with brush first on their broomsticks (or stalks of Ragwort, or whatever).  It depends on how much the artist wanted to stress the point that witches doing things unnaturally.

Anyone have any more specific ideas about which way to fly on a broomstick? 

1 comment:

  1. Well, you have several schools of thought here, because apart from the ovine question above (personally, flying blind in the buff looks more like suicide than satanism), you have the corresponding brush issue - do the bristles go Potteresque astern or forrad as I dimly remember being illustrated somewhere?
