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Thursday, 24 October 2013

Crossing the Line

My cat friend feels she was grossly misrepresented in the post Cat Shit.  She says she does understand the nature of friendship, and isn't merely looking for a convenient toilet, and anyway, can I prove all the shit in the garden is hers?

She has been around a lot lately, and I have wondered if her peoples are away and she is lonely.  There is a loads of so-called "scientific" talk going around at the moment "proving" that cats don't need as much care and attention as dogs.  What a load of bollocks.  Just because cats don't bark and annoy the neighbours doesn't mean cats aren't lonely when their peoples are away. 

There is another cat on our estate who we only see occasionally.  For a week or two he will be round all the time, looking for company, then we don't see him again until next time the people are on holiday.  One time, as he was prowling along the pavement on the other side of the road, I said "Hello, Stanley"  and he ran across the road and replied, "Yes, I will come in thank you very much" and made for the front door.  I had to explain I was merely passing a friendly greeting and didn't actually want to sit and watch Coronation Street with him.  He was quite cross about it.

When I was searching in Aimo's images for the penguin photos I used the other day, I found some pictures of my cat friend.  I think some kind of a line has been crossed when you have pictures of somebody else's cat on your computer.  An even further line has been crossed when you post them on your blog:

My Cat Friend

on a cushion

in the garden

at Aimo's House

a while ago
I would just like to say in my defence that I may have put a cushion out for her, played chase-the-stalk-of-grass with her, and stroked her, but I have never fed her or invited her into the house.  I am not without any morals as regards other people's cats.  But I did put her on this blog.  Crossed a line...

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