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Saturday, 19 October 2013

Stan Laurel, Anyone?

We went to see Master Aimson in Beauty and The Beast last night:

Well, it's not often you get the chance to see him in a sparkly suit and glitter make-up..  He was the m-m-mechanical m-m-manservant of Beast.  The mechanical man is a bit of a player, flirting with the maids, and, at one point, climbing under the hooped skirt of a very pretty wardrobe.  Master Aimson said at that point a member of the audience in the front row caught his eye and glared at him in disgust.  Obviously he was attending a play without having a concept of acting.

Master Aimson is, of course, very good at acting.  He is also very good at clowning.  Very often in his performances you are reminded of Michael Palin, but last night I was detecting hints of Stan Laurel.  If anyone is planning a biopic of Stan Laurel, maybe in black and white, a la The Artist, then Master Aimson is definitely your man.  (Tickets still available for Beauty and The Beast tonight, see what you think).

Here are some photos from the show:

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