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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Maybe it's the Moustaches...

I have been watching this:

Quite a fleamsy film
Very Fleamsy, I must say, especially the Harvest Home and the Circus.  I saw on the credits that Dave Swarbrick played the fiddle at the Harvest Supper/Wedding Feast, so no wonder it was so authentically Fleamsy.

I must say, if I was putting tarpaulins on corn ricks in a thunder storm, I would get dressed rather than just putting a shawl on over my nightie.  But then I'm just a lightweight really.  Really it's quite unlikely that I would be putting tarpaulins on ricks in a thunder storm at all.  I'm not keen on ladders.  Or heights.  There's nothing I can't reach in Aimo's House standing on a chair, and that's the way I like it.

You should watch the bit when the circus comes to town; Dick Turpin's Ride is the essence of Fleams.  It reminds me rather of Maria Marten and the Murder in the Red Barn. 

Another Fleamsy Film
I don't know why, there isn't a circus in that.  Maybe it's the moustaches...

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